Manipulation is where the physician uses his hands to diagnosis and treat problems of the body. Sometimes it is in the form of palpation (touch) as a diagnostic procedure to detect soft tissue changes or structural abnormalities; other times it’s in the form of corrective thrust forces to relieve restrictions of motion.
As an Osteopathic physician, Dr. Bruce has a pair of tools that enable him to accurately diagnose areas of dysfunction and treat them effectively. These tools are his hands.
He brings a hands-on approach to medicine and views manipulation as an aid to the diagnosis and treatment of various illnesses. He emphasizes that all body systems, including the musculoskeletal system, operate together and disturbances in one system can alter the functions of other systems.
Dr. Bruce believes that body structure and function are dependent on one another. When structure is altered via the musculoskeletal system, abnormalities occur in other body systems. This, in turn, can produce restriction of motion, and pain.
For example, one of the most common causes of recurrent headaches are disorders of the cervical (neck) portion of the spinal column. The origination of the neck problem may have come years prior from old sports injury or from a motor vehicle accident. An injury of this nature leads to weakness and fatigue of the muscles. This in turn leads to neck pain and headaches.
Consequently, properly applied manipulative treatment, particularly directed to the neck and head, often affords relief of headache symptoms when all other remedies have failed.
Dr. Bruce performs four different types of manipulation:
Soft-Tissue Technique
This procedure is commonly applied to the muscles surrounding the spine, and consists of stretching, deep pressure and traction. Its purpose is to move tissue fluids (edema) and to relax muscles.
Thrust Technique
In this form of manipulation, the physician applies a thrust to restore motion to a joint. With such a technique, the joint regains its normal range of motion.
Muscle Energy Technique
Here, the patient is directed to use his or her muscles from a precise position and in a specific direction against a counter-force applied by the physician. The purpose is to increase mobility.
With the counterstrain technique, the patient is moved passively away from the restricted motion barrier, searching for the position of greatest comfort. At this point, passive strain is induced. This technique is indicated for relief of acute or bony disorders.
Therefore, Dr. Bruce uses manipulation in order to achieve a balance in the body and improve the quality of life in his patients.