How Can A Dietitian Help You?
- Lower cholesterol
- Lower triglycerides
- Heal an ulcer
- Stop heartburn
- Relieve constipation
- Relieve diarrhea
- Control blood sugar
- Prevent side effects of diabetes
- Lose weight | Gain weight
- Improve pre-pregnancy nutrition
- Point out nutritional deficiencies
- Establish specific goals for a low-fat diet
- Prevent certain cancers (such as colon cancer)
- Control protein intake to prevent kidney failure
- Correct types of anemia’s
- Establish a plan to avoid osteoporosis
- Plan nutritionally adequate diets for those with chewing difficulties
- Work with families to achieve healthy nutritional practices
- Investigate food allergies and intolerance’s
If you would like to hear more about what healthy eating can do for you, ask your physician if you qualify for an appointment with the dietitian.