Chronic Disease
Chronic Disease – Program Introduction
A Chronic Disease is a condition that may take years to develop and can lead to a lifetime of medical problems such as diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, osteoporosis, and certain forms of cancer.
Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine is concerned with preventing the occurrence of both mental and physical illness and disease. There are three levels of preventive effort.
Primary preventive medicine is concerned with preventing the development of disease in a susceptible or potentially susceptible population. These efforts include general promotion of health and specific protection such as immunization.
Secondary preventive medicine involves early diagnosis and prompt therapy to shorten the duration of illness, reduce the severity of disease, reduce the possibility of contagion, and limit sequellae.
Tertiary preventive medicine is important in limiting the degree of disability and promoting rehabilitation in chronic and irreversible diseases. Over the past twenty years Americans have become aware that their habits (eating, drinking, lack of exercise, and smoking) largely determine their future and current health. It has been shown that a diet high in cholesterol, fat, and sodium, and one low in fiber can lead to obesity, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. Recent research has also revealed that exercise, in the form of aerobics (walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling etc.), can help reduce and prevent the incidence of chronic disease, and relieve stress.
Many people who are unaware of proper diet and exercise, and would benefit from knowing the degree of their fitness or fatness (percent body fat determination). Most are not aware of their cholesterol level and its subfractions, what the optimal values should be, or how to attain these. The same goes for blood pressure and blood sugar.
We offer a special program that includes a physical exam, measurement of your blood cholesterol and its subfractions, estimation of your body composition (amount of body fat), as well as nutritional analysis and lifestyle assessment. We then make recommendations to reduce your risk factors and obtain your health goals.
The Program
The DOC CLINIC is an approach toward illness which prevents and reduces the incidence of chronic disease. The program combines caring and attention, sound education, and excellent medical management in order to create a healthy, more physically aware and secure existence. A complete medical history, physical exam, and blood profile will indicate the participant’s current health status and health risks. The DOC Clinic program is designed to fit the individual’s lifestyle and career parameters. Each participant will play a key role in choosing and devising a health agenda. The participant’s progress will be monitored on a regular basis. He or she will engage in a lifestyle which fosters health and wellness.
At The Diabetes Obesity Cholesterol Clinic You Will Learn To:
- Control your weight, cholesterol, blood sugar and pressure.
- Create your own manageable and consistent path to wellness.
- Integrate nutrition and exercise into your lifestyle.
- Enhance your athletic performance.
- Exchange sluggishness for invigoration
- Be privy to state-of-the-art information.
- Be attended to with gentle caring and direction.
- Feel the confidence that accompanies vibrant health.
- Prevent the anguish of chronic disease.
The Doctor
After being diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure at the age of 18, Dr. Bruce Scott Sobel embarked on a lifetime journey to wellness. He healthfully lost 38 pounds and vowed to maintain a personal program allowing him the security and energy that comes with wellness. Dr. Bruce has a deep reverence for medicine and possesses a style of caring and educating that launches his patients into a world of possibilities.
Dr. Bruce graduated from the University of Health Sciences Medical School, Kansas City, Missouri in 1984. From 1975 to 1980, Dr. Bruce conducted research on obesity, hypertension and pregnancy at Wayne State Medical School. His findings were published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Anaheim, California. He also participated in research at the Hypertension and Obesity Clinics at Wayne State University. Dr. Bruce’s specialized areas of interest are in nutrition, high risk management (such as diabetes, weight control, elevated cholesterol, and hypertension) and preventative medicine.
Preventative medicine is the area of medical science that agrees with every fiber of Dr. Bruce’s personal and professional philosophies. When his patients make the commitment to become healthy, tackle their problems with zest and optimism, and read well-founded information, Dr. Bruce’s program is manageable and sound.
The Goal
The goal of the Diabetes Obesity Cholesterol (DOC) Clinic is to enable individuals to go forth with physical and mental wellness; to reduce the incidence of chronic disease in the general community; and to provide each person an opportunity to flourish. This will be accomplished through education, monitoring, and research.
The Outcome
It is imperative to consider the responsibility, commitment and consistency this program requires. The decision to become a participant at the DOC Clinic should be a cornerstone in your life. It is hoped that you will move toward health and wellness with optimism and with the resolution that change is brave and admirable.
The magnificent system that is your body is worth protecting. It will be an honor to assist you on your way toward health and physical well being.