Travel Medicine

Travel Medicine Doctors – Travel Vaccines

If you are planning a trip overseas, our travel medicine can provide vaccination against yellow fever, malaria, and all other worldwide diseases.

Whether you travel to Southeast Asia, India, Africa, Russia or any other overseas location, please make sure you are protected from infectious diseases. Just ask one of our physicians about Travel Medicine.

For the latest in Travel Information for theworld traveler, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A occurs by contact with infected feces, either through direct person to person, through water, supplies contaminated with human sewage, or through contaminated food, such as raw shellfish drawn from polluted waters.

In adults, a primary dose is given initially, then a booster 6 to 12 months later. In those 2 to 18 years of age, an initial dose is followed by a dose in one month and then a booster at 6 to 12 months later.

Areas where the infection is present include, but are not limited to, Africa, Asia (except Japan), the Mediterranean basin, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Hepatitis B

The Hepatitis B vaccination is now recommended for all newborn infants, children, teenagers, and adults that are at a high risk for exposure to Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is also recommended for those who are traveling abroad or anticipate sexual contact with local inhabitants. It should be noted that Hepatitis B consists of three doses, an initial dose followed by a dose at one month, and then another dose in a six month period.

The hepatitis B virus can be dangerously infectious. It can lead to cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. The virus spreads through a variety of ways:

  • Sexual intercourse

  • Contaminated needles (drug abuse, ear piercing, and tattooing)

  • Mother-to-mother transmission via the blood and breastfeeding

  • Blood transfusions, skin cuts, and Saliva

Japanese Encephalitis

This is transmitted by mosquitoes in certain areas of Asia. It is mainly presented in rural areas in three regions that include the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia.

It usually occurs during the months of May through October. A vaccination is available, but not recommended for all travelers to Asia, since the risk of contracting the disease is quite low. Vaccination is recommended for those who will be at high risk.


If you were born in 1957 or later and have not received two prior immunizations after your first birthday, and do not have a physician documented history of measles, or laboratory evidence of immunity, you should receive a single dose of measles vaccine before traveling anywhere.


Epidemics are common in sub-Saharan Africa from December to June and also in northern India and Nepal. Saudi Arabia requires a certificate of immunization for pilgrims to Mecca.

Meningococcal meningitis is spread by contaminated respiratory droplets such as coughing or sneezing. The meningococcal vaccination consists of a single dose.


Adults traveling to tropical or developing countries, such as Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, who have not been recently immunized against polio should receive a primary series of inactivated polio vaccine. If protection is needed within four weeks, a single dose of eIPV is advisable.


Immunizations against rabies are recommended for travelers with an occupational risk. (i.e. animal workers) or those traveling for long periods in epidemic areas. Bats, skunks, dogs, cats, and foxes are extensively infected.

Tetanus and Diphtheria

Everyone should receive a tetanus diphtheria booster every ten years regardless of travel.


Vaccination is recommended before traveling to rural areas of tropical countries and to any area where a typhoid outbreak is occurring.

A live oral vaccine is now available given one capsule daily for four days (a total of four capsules) beginning at least two weeks before departure is recommended.

A new vaccination is also available and requires only a single injection.

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever vaccination is recommended before traveling to rural areas in yellow fever epidemic zones, including most of tropical South America, and most of Africa.

The vaccination should be given as early as possible and documented in the International Certificates of Vaccinations.


Malaroneâ„¢ is now considered the drug of choice. In all malarious areas, mosquito precautions are advisable. Insect repellents, netting, clothing with long sleeves, and long pants are necessary, especially during evening hours.


At this time, none of the national health administrations of the World Health Organization member countries report official cholera vaccination entry requirements because the vaccine is only about 50% effective.